1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. โทรทัศน์
  3. LazyTown (2004)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Robbie Rotten ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Robbie Rotten เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENTP ใน mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 974 ใน Enneagram, SCUEI ใน Big 5, ILE ใน Socionics"

why th y'all type him as an e9?? acting like a lazy person doesn't make him e9. it seems like everyone have been watching Lazytown a long ago but if you rewatch it you'll se that he's not an e9 at all but an e8! Eights express their anger freely and use it to control others, they use their anger to stay in control and defend themselves against anyone who they feel wants to dominate them. Nines try to avoid their anger in order to keep control over their peace of mind, they have fallen asleep to their anger and pretend it doesn’t exist. Nines (unconsciously) believe that their opinions and needs don’t matter as much as those of others(And Robbie's not like that at all!). So they try to stay under the radar and keep their connections to those they love safe by avoiding any conflict. They also try to avoid any inner disturbance by evading anything that puts too much pressure on their peace of mind. While they seem to agree with everyone on the outside, Nines don’t like being controlled any more than Eights, but instead of openly rebelling, they stubbornly resist by being passive-aggressive. While Eights are people with high levels of energy, intensity and willpower. They project power and toughness and take challenges as an invitation to prove their strength (If Robbie were a Nine, he would solve everything peacefully and not react to every encroachment on his lazy existence with another scheme). They enjoy open confrontation and don’t back down easily, doesn't it seem like Robbie's behavior for you? Eights are motivated by the need to be self-confident and strong, as well as to AVOID and DENY their feelings of WEAKNESS or dependence. Also I think he's sp/sx, not sp/so, because this subtype is more fiery and impulsive. Because the self-preservational instinct and the sexual instinct are in conflict, the one pulling in and the other pushing forward, they often have more of an on-off quality to them (they alternate with his periods of activity and laziness). Although their outward energy is in contrast to their inward self-pres energy, they have a very focused attitude in the areas of life in which the two energies coincide, such as things they are really passionate about (disguises, acting and inventions to get Sportacus out of town or just on a whim). The self-pres/sexual Eight feels very independent. They feel as though they need no one outside of the few people they are close to. On the down side, they have a tendendcy to distrust people and tend to challenge them to see where they stand(even if Sportacus always shows benevolent intentions, he doesn't believe that this is so and expects bad things from him). When healthier, sp/sx Eights realize there is sometimes a greater strength in adopting a softer approach like how it was in some moments, when he agreed with something or helped, but he is an unhealthy type, so we rarely see this. for now that's all, maybe I'll add something else later like examples from episodes, also I don't see the point in proving that he is an ENTP, this is obvious to the vast majority of people here sooo if you do not agree with something that I have written, then I will be very happy to discuss it with you in the comments! it's very interesting to hear your arguments especially about his enneagram!


โทรทัศน์ อักขระคล้ายกับ Robbie Rotten
