{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Haruki Serizawa ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Haruki Serizawa เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENTP ใน mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - 729 ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"

I know this anime series doesn't get a lot of attention in this community but.. I think if you watched the anime (not the movies; the one centered around Miou and Haruki) Haruki is a clear 3 and not a 7. I understand why people might think he's a 7 from the movies though bc in there he doesn't express his ambitions or personal desires there at all lol (and I think 7 is part of his tritype) Haruki is very fun-loving and a rather happy-go-lucky person around his friends, but I do not think this makes him a 7 (I think this attitude adds to his image-concious side, he wants to be seen as someone charming and fun). Haruki is described as someone extremely ambitious and always running straight towards his dreams. In the anime he's so focused on his future career, his passion for movie making and the different achievements he's able to earn. Mochita comments how he (and Yuu) talk almost exclusively about their movies for the film club. He's been chasing his dream of being a film director ever since he was a child and it seems that a lot of his actions are motivated by this. Haruki has his own inherent confidence in his skills. He shuts away any feelings of inadequacy he has behind a false mask of confidence (when he was doubting whether he really deserved the study to America, he simply tried to ignore it and said something like "Haha, it's only natural if it's me!") To me, this all seems a LOT like an enneagram 3, and not a 7. I also think he's 3w4 > 3w2 as I cannot see any 2 traits in him. Sure he wants to make others laugh with his movies, but other than that he does not seem to have a 2 wing at all. Aside from this, Haruki also lost sight of everything when he felt like a fake, or someone simply copying his brother. He lost his sense of individuality, as if he didn't deserve any of those achievements and that he was only pretending to be someone else. 4's core fear is to not have their own identity or personal significance. When he suddenly lost everything he centered his life around, he became secluded and had a depressed attitude. He shut down. He could not make movies or film anything, he didn't go to school and even tried to cancel his study in America. It is also said that "one of the biggest challenges Fours face is learning to let go of feelings from the past; they tend to nurse wounds and hold onto negative feelings about those who have hurt them." I think his inability to move past Chiaki's death (he does not talk about him in past tense, and when Saku tells Haruki to visit his grave he says "Aki-nii isn't in a place like that") relates to this. Chiaki was who inspired him to film, and was his hero. His death left a scar that he continues to nurse and not let go of. 3w4: ''The personality types corresponding to Karen Horney's Withdrawn strategy are the Four, Five and Nine. These types are generally receptive and internally-focused. Each responds to problems, threats and obstacles through avoidance. In other words, there's a distinct sense of the self being small, weak or vulnerable and easily overwhelmed by the world. They feel a need to shut out external influences before their needs can be met. These needs are defined by the Triad they fall into: Four is in the Heart Triad meaning that they will withdraw both to find and protect their sense of personal value; Five is in the Head Triad meaning they will withdraw both to find and protect their objectivity, mental clarity and ability to control their anxiety; and Nine is in the Belly Triad meaning they will withdraw to find and protect their autonomy. All three types feel their sense of self most keenly when they're moving away from others and/or the flow of life. For the Withdrawn types, the affect is "I can only get my needs met when I can tune in to my inner world." I think this paragraph describes Haruki very well. Haruki is a very clear 3w4 to me, but I definitely think 7w8 is part of his tritype ^^


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