{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Kadode Koyama ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Kadode Koyama เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFJ ใน mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - ใน Enneagram, RCOAI ใน Big 5, LII ใน Socionics"

why E9? i'm genuinely curious because i can see where these votes come from and i comprehend that at a first glance kadode may seem a nine but, honestly, knowing more about their past made me change my mind about her. i think kadode incorporates the description of E1 really well, let me explain my conclusion: - first of all, in ouran's memories, she came like a rational, principled and self-controlled girl. she needs to be good, right, while the world is just "imperfect" to her eyes. while for other types such adjective may be perceived as not true, it doesn't apply for E1's mindset, in fact 1s want to achieve their high standards (even planning lies), to respect their ideals inhibiting emotions (often anger), impulses and needs exactly as happened with her ex classmates: she repressed her frustration toward them for a long time, it accumulated too much and burst suddenly but always for a moral reason; - 1s might feel like they were flawed and imperfect if they say or do something inappropriate and this applies for kadode as well. she feels a sense of personal obligation to fix everything herself: "this society will never fundamentally change but, don't worry, i will change it" and after this she threw the trains off the tracks without thinking too much. (stereo)typical for E1, a clash between her ego fixation, "resentment", and her ideology, "perfection", i believe this derived from possessing too much power and, like isobeyan said, controlling his tools. exercising control on an increasingly broader level through complex means becomes difficult even for those who have iron moral standards like kadode. but she was just a child, her thoughts were still immature, the girl patently felt corrupte, although thought that would be the right action to make; - about her wings, i can see her 2's fears as well. in my personal opinion, 1w2 suits her better than 1w9. what made me convince was her goal: "justice? i've never said that i was right, i just need someone to need me". kadode doesn't really focus on herself, the perception of others and doesn't absolutely change her thoughts like a 9 would do. she is centralized on others, precisely on correcting people's behaviour by kindly sharing her standards, in that way she can make herself useful for someone. i would like to apologize for the poverty of my examples but, again, look at her ex classmates and when she helped them to be good people, or when at the campsite she took charge of the alien by sending the other children away; i'm not really sure about her instinctual variants, attitudinal psyche, socionics and trytype. maybe so/sp LII 126/162 LEVF? until i have proof i won't add more, but i might will edit this argument in future.


อนิเมะและมังงะ อักขระคล้ายกับ Kadode Koyama

