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"Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ESFP ใน mbti, 3w2 - sx/sp - 378 ใน Enneagram, SLUEN ใน Big 5, SEE ใน Socionics"


Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley (7 December 1545 – 10 February 1567) was the second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. From his marriage in 1565, he was king consort of Scotland. He was created Duke of Albany shortly before his marriage. Less than a year after the birth of his and Mary's only child, King James VI of Scotland and I of England, Darnley was murdered at Kirk o' Field in 1567. Many contemporary narratives describing his life and death refer to him as Lord Darnley, his title as heir apparent to the Earldom of Lennox, and it is by this appellation that he is known in history. On his mother's side he was a great-grandson of King Henry VII of England. On 3 February 1565, Darnley left London and by 12 February, he was in Edinburgh. On 17 February, he presented himself to Mary at Wemyss Castle in Fife. James Melville of Halhill reported that "Her Majesty took well with him, and said that he was the lustiest and best proportioned long man that she had seen."

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