{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Tgurneu ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Tgurneu เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENTJ ใน mbti, 4w5 - - ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"

There are plenty villains that are marked as ENTJ only for being villains, this one isn't one of them. First of for selecting this personality type you MUST read the 6 light novels because there you will see him at his full potential. He is extroverted but not by his social needs but because he requires it to be, Tgurneu enjoys creating specialist fiends that have unique abilities and for that he has to know them. This line is absolutely an spoiler so please get out of here if you have interest on reading on them. He can't be a perciever because he planned Fremy's and Adlet's entire life. He was patient and planned everything ahead before it even happened he made sure that Adlet protected Fremy and in order to achieve that he made sure that Adlet fell in love with her. We can see here that he needs to be an Extroverted for developing the abilities of his weapons that would be his army of fiends and also a great planner and strategist. Now why he uses intuition instead of perception? By his love to the arts but ultimately his prime objective. Seeing people suffer because of love the only emotion he can't feel. This is very important: His ultimate goal is making people suffer because an emotion but also he loves to know how human beings act and how they feel using his intuitive power. Therefore we see that Tgurneu differentiates from others ENTJs like Light Yagami, he doesn't want to rule the fiends with justice or become an ultimate goal, he wants to feel something that he won't forget because his entire life he couldn't feel any type of emotion be it good or bad. He can't cry, He can't laugh, He can't feel any type of empathy towards the fiends or even the evil god, and every fiend is said to have an inherent love towards this entity but Tgurneu is the only one that doesn't have it. He planned what he will do to Adlet and Feremy, only for them to suffer and show him the best suffer faces he won't forget in a time. ENTJs are said to love more the chase rather than the result and Tgurneu is the prime example for that. I can see the argument that he is an Intj because he is reserved, but you must remember that ENTJs are really introverted extroverts. And INTJ's are great Idealist, they think about the best outcome for the world how they could put help it, this the stereotype of course, but Tgurneu's Plan is too complex and self centered to be confused for an INTJ that's to me at least. Whichever is the case we are sure he can't be a feeler because simply put he doesn't have feelings. He is definitely a planner because if you read the novels this character trait is Cristal clear. He is intuitive because how he accomplishes his objectives using out of the Norms methods, and his love for the arts and his desire to understand human and fiends feelings as well as love. Tgurneu therefore is an XNTJ if it's and I or an E is not incredible relevant because to me this still is one of the most well written villains I've ever had the pleasure to discover.


อนิเมะและมังงะ อักขระคล้ายกับ Tgurneu

