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  3. Transformers: Beast Wars

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Tigatron ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Tigatron เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISFP ใน mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 962 ใน Enneagram, RCUAI ใน Big 5, EII ใน Socionics"

ISFP 9w8 sp/so 964 hunts better alone. MBTI - Fi-Se-Ni-Te —> Fi-Te: I feel that Tigatron tended to “feel very deeply”— whenever he was faced with a “challenging situation”, I feel that he sought “to look inward first and cope in solitude”, needing to “sort through [his] feelings”. — In “Fallen Comrades” (S1-E7), it seems that before Tigatron could eventually feel more comfortable with being a full participant in the Maximals, he needed time to be able to sort out his own feelings first, figure out who he was and find his identity. —> Fi-Se: I feel that Tigatron was inclined to “scanning [his] environment and taking in details at real time for the purposing of responding to them and interacting with the present”. — In “Call of the Wild” (S1-E19), Tigatron made good use of his ability to be presently attentive to his senses to help ground the scared Maximals, guiding them to identify the block in their programming that was resisting their natural, animal instincts. —> Fi-Ni: I feel that Tigatron may have demonstrated at least somewhat “negative” use of “Ni” beforehand, having been “afraid of the future”— afraid that “some event won’t end well”. — In “Coming of the Fuzors: Part 1) (S2-E2)— I feel as if the episode in itself was a point of growth for Tigatron, finding his purpose as a Maximal instead of disengaging himself as a bystander. ENNEAGRAM - 9w8 sp/so 964 —> Type 9: I feel that Tigatron was not very apt about “forcing action” - such as involvement with the Maximals to begin with - which meant he could “end up being stubborn about seeing what [he wanted] to see”. — In “A Better Mousetrap” (S1-E11), Tigatron was adamant to Optimus Primal about his hunting Waspinator by himself, having stubbornly planted his claws in in order to maintain a position that was more within his boundaries of personal comfort. —> Wing 8: I feel that Tigatron was more inclined towards feeling “apathetic to things that [were] pointless” and had “an easier time getting angry” as compared to Wing 1. — In “Law of the Jungle” (S1-E23), I feel that Tigatron’s adamant stance against the Beast Wars was indicative of a more assertive and resistant position against conflict and disharmony, having sought to enforce boundaries to remove himself from said conflict. —> sp/so: I feel that Tigatron was most focused on “domesticity” aspect of the Self-Preservation Instinct, especially if Earth is the context for Tigatron’s “focus” on “home-life”, such as making it “comfortable & practical”. — I might be stretching the relevance of the following example, but in “Other Visits: Part 1” (S2-E6), but prior to the impending disaster in Grid Zeiram, Tigatron admired the beauty of the plant life and perhaps sought to protect and maintain it as a a natural part of the Earth that he considered to be home. SOURCES, MAXIMIZE! —> Tigatron: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Tigatron —> MBTI: https://practicaltyping.com/ISFP/ —> Enneagram: https://www.enneagrammer.com/type-9 —> Instincts: https://www.docdroid.net/QTXfwgk/hudson-subtypes-pdf LINGERING THOUGHTS —> While I think Rhinox still made for my favorite character of Beast Wars, I think that Tigatron made for a very close second as he was very relatable in his dominant Fi + Enneagram Type 9 combination manifesting in his being personally motivated by his feelings to maintain comfort and harmony. —> I think I feel more inclined towards Wing 8 for Tigatron given that he was seemingly willing to be assertive and firm about his going about his tasks by himself, but there was still a very real peacemaking component in his aversion to direct confrontation with others. —> But for now, let us Maximize… and slag some bot! Thanks.


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