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  3. Fighting Game Archetypes / Playstyles

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Semi-Grappler Character ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Semi-Grappler Character เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISTP ใน mbti, - - ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"


Not every grappler is a giant hunk of muscle, but the smaller ones can be quite rare. Most of the time they end up as semi-grapplers. They still retain a move set that relies on catching opponents in command grabs, but they'll often be shorter, more mobile, and have more striking options. In fact, their striking moves will often be imperative for getting them within grabbing distance. Alex's Slash Elbow, Flying Cross Chop, and Air Stampede from Street Fighter 3 see him fly across the screen to knock his opponent down or stun them long enough for a Headbutt or Power Bomb. While Guilty Gear's Potemkin can't dash normally, he can cancel his Hammer Fall punch to move faster, or bait opponents into his Heavenly Potemkin Buster super. The most popular semi-grappler examples also include King of Fighters' Clark Still, Street Fighter Alpha 3's Rainbow Mika, and Skullgirls' Beowulf.
