1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. โทรทัศน์
  3. Battlestar Galactica (2004)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Laura Roslin ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Laura Roslin เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFJ ใน mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, IEI ใน Socionics"

The moment after she mediates the talk between Adama and Cain she realized just what type of "leader" Cain is and foreshadows what was to come due to the inevitable conflict. Roslin, summed up nonchalantly to Adama "yeah, you are going to have kill her." Confirmed Ni-dom to me, while lost in a brief moment of deep thought as if she could foresee that tolerating Cain, in the long run, would cause more harm than good. Ruthless but sums the "ends justify the means for the greater good" mindset of many Ni-dom and Ni-aux types. Also, how she needed to seek guidance from others when morally conflicted over the abortion issue confirmed she isn't a Fi user. As she relies on externalized values (Fe)as opposed to internalizing (Fi) to make her decision. The choice she makes is one that she sees is in the best interest of the fleet i.e humanity's survival (Fe) than her own moral conviction.


Laura Roslin is a fictional character in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series, portrayed by Mary McDonnell. She is the President of the Twelve Colonies and one of the primary characters in the show.

โทรทัศน์ อักขระคล้ายกับ Laura Roslin
