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{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI image


"Massimiliano Allegri ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Massimiliano Allegri เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENFP ใน mbti, 7w6 - so/sp - ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, LSI ใน Socionics"

I'm a Juventus supporter and I watched almost every single press conference Allegri had as a bianconero. I also read his book, "È molto semplice", wich can be translated as "(football) is very simple". I understand he may appear as a strong Si-Te user because of Juventus' influence, perhaps the clearest ESTJ football club, however I think he's actually an ENFP. I write this for foreign speakers: as everyone knows, irony is very difficult to translate. In Italy Allegri is renown for his playful attitude towards players and journalists, that maybe doesn't come out in other countries/languages. He constantly makes funny and witty jokes (his Ne-Fi is very clear to me). However, when time of seriousness comes, he uses his Te efficiently and he can be very inflexibile and commited (again: also due to Juventus' ethics influence). If we take a look at his philosophy, he always underline the impossibility of predicting football. "During a game there are too many variables. Anything can happen at any time", and because of this It's kinda useless trying to prepare complex schemes in advance. From a cognitive point of view, this is a very Ne-Te approac and a denial of Si-Ti importance. This is also the root of the critics he always recieved (he's too defensive, he's play style is boring and only oriented toward win, and so on) and puts him on the opposite side of managers like Sarri's football views. Allegri is well recognized for two main skills: the first being his communication. The vast majority of players he had speaks of him as a person capable of establishing honest, efficient and direct communication lines with them. He's very good at handling emotions and can be both gentle and harsh when the situation needs him to be. The other skill he's best recognized for is his capacity for improvisation. In his book he stats that before and during matches he always has ideas coming from nowhere suggesting him what to do to solve difficult situations. He cannot explain how and why, they just happen. A practical example of this are the subs of Lichtsteiner and Asamoah he made during Tottenham-Juventus in 2018. All of this screams about his Ne imo. During his youth he was known as a talented and creative player (he played as a classic 10) but without the right attitude. He didn't take training seriously and was seen as impulsive and hot-headed. At the same time the managers he had back then underlined his high football IQ, despite his lack of commitment, to the point of already considering him a manager on the pitch. Later on, Allegri himself stated he was immature (developing Te-Si) even If technically good, and maybe for this reson he's very cautios with teen players. He wants them to climb the success ladder step by step, to avoid overhype and the risk of getting lost in the middle of the journey.


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