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Brian Helgeland mbti kişilik türü

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"Brian Helgeland hangi kişilik türü? Brian Helgeland, MBTI, 5w6 - - 'de kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


Brian Thomas Helgeland (born January 17, 1961) is an American screenwriter, film producer and director. He is most known for writing the screenplays for the films L.A. Confidential and Mystic River. He also wrote and directed the films 42, a biopic of Jackie Robinson, and Legend, about the rise and fall of the infamous London gangsters the Kray twins. His work on L.A. Confidential earned him the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.

Brian Helgeland 'a benzer kişiler Pop kültürü
