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Jake Armstrong mbti kişilik türü

Jake Armstrong mbti kişilik türü image


"Jake Armstrong hangi kişilik türü? Jake Armstrong, MBTI, 8w7 - - 'de ENTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


Age-14 Fear- Being misunderstood, Being alone Desire- To fix the world the best he can. Hobbies- Fishing, Acting, Pulling pranks, Being the bad boy Personal Quirks-He started staring and humming when he is nervous Hates- Brocilii, asparagus, and vegetables, people who do not like avengers Loves- Fishing, Singing, People who endure his teasing, doing flips, and CAKE! Favorite color- Red Future job- Choir director/ professional fisher dude Faults- Not knowing when to stop teasing Good points- He stands up for others, is always ready to give high fives and hugs

Jake Armstrong 'e benzer karakterler Edebiyat
