1. İnsanlar ve Karakterler
  2. Arsalar
  3. Urban Legends

Teke Teke mbti kişilik türü


"Teke Teke hangi kişilik türü? Teke Teke, MBTI, - sx/sp - 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RLUEN, RLUEN, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

love her


Teke Teke (テケテケ;てけ てけ), also spelled Teke-Teke, Teketeke, or Teke teke, is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a schoolgirl who is said to have fallen onto a railway line, where her body was cut in half by a train. She is an onryō, or a vengeful spirit, who lurks in urban areas and around train stations at night. Since she no longer has a lower body, she travels on either her hands or elbows, dragging her upper torso and making a scratching or "teke teke"-like sound. If she encounters an individual, she will chase them and slice them in half at the torso, killing them in such a way that mimics her own disfigurement; in certain variations, Teke Teke will ask the individual to tell her the location of her missing legs.
