Magie mbti kişilik türü


"Magie hangi kişilik türü? Magie, MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 782 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Oh wow she(or he? because I've seen you using "he" as pronouns for her too so I'm not 100% sure) is a pretty clear ISFP, like I really can't see her description matching any type better than ISFP.


she prefers to be alone than to be with people she doesn't like,he gets tired when he is with a lot of people she prefers to live in the present, that is, the here and now, she makes her decisions based on what she thinks is right and based on her feelings, she doesn't usually organize what she is going to do Stay open to new experiences. hates negative feelings and being told what to do tries to avoid pain whenever possible, does something to feel better and is optimistic thinks things will get better, is curious and takes risks when she really wants something, always tries to find the way If she succeeds, she is serious when she has to be, she is easily distracted, she is impulsive and direct, she is ambitious, she is usually a good leader, she likes to seek experiences of all kinds, she likes to decide for herself, she looks for stimuli in home, is usually a bit selfish, is pragmatic, looks for what she can having things in his favor can commit when he wants, he hates restrictions.
