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Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque) mbti kişilik türü

Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque) mbti kişilik türü image


"Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque) hangi kişilik türü? Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque), MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, RLUEN, RLUEN, büyük 5, IEI' dır."

Okay hear me out, I'm thinking 6w5. It's insinuated him and his brother were very close and I feel like they moved like a unit. So when they fell out, he no longer had the safety of that bond. Now that he has a new group, the Shadow Decree, he completely turns on anyone else outside of the group, even old teammates from the Union. To him, it's unbearable that his brother abandoned him. The fact that his brother left him, removing the safety of his primary connection, is what upset him so much. This may be a stretch (I'm open to counter arguments) but this is how I'm interpreting his backstory. Overall, I think he has the system/group mindset of a 6 and I don't see anything that refers to any other enneagram.


A quiet, lonely man with troubled emotions. He is a fighter Esper who specializes in dealing multiple blows by triggering critical hits.

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