Brain mbti kişilik türü


"Brain hangi kişilik türü? Brain, MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 514 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

since i wanted this subcategory to be made, i thought about my choices in depth specifically for the brain and heart. see my post for heart too: INTP is kind of self-explanatory; they’re the most like “brain in a vat”. sorry INTJ voters lol but hear me out. this isn’t about “intelligence”, but of how the brain works and what best represents that. the brain processes information by having neurons “simulate” the experience in our cortex. like our retinas literally capture images in front of us upside down but our brain corrects the orientation automatically. i don’t want to go down a philosophical rabbit hole for this post but i think INTPs are more likely to be solipsists than INTJs who, with Te and Se, implicitly understand the world through an empirical lens. to INTJ (or the Se/Ni + Te/Fi perspective in general), the world mechanically functions and can be verified to exist outside of our subjective experience; all we as subjects do is give it personal significance and meaning (Ni + Fi). INTPs are the inverse, seeing possibilities and sentiments as objective (Ne and Fe), but the denotative functions (T and S) are up to subjective interpretation (Ti and Si). this is what makes them question the nature of reality so much, perhaps even distrusting it entirely. hence, the “brain in a vat”. Ne/Si and Fe/Ti are both digital function pairs that “simulate” the world (as opposed to Se/Ni Te/Fi whose phenomenology lives it out as an active participant experiencing it as a true curves rather than digital recreations). of course everyone of all types have brains, but conceptually and symbolically i feel that INTP best represents abstract mental activity. type 5 for obvious reasons, i don’t think i have to explain myself as much there. the most mentally-focused enneagram type. the 6 wing is rather arbitrary, but it makes it more purely mental than 5w4. i’m also 514 so/sp but i didn’t vote that out of bias lol, i have some pretty good reasons: i voted 514 is because 5 and 1 are both in the competency harmonic group, but there’s also this cycle of energy that these types have when together in a tritype next to each other. this is something i haven’t seen brought up much but i found something called the Theory of Centres and it stuck with me because it helps me tell the difference between some of the types and how that energy flows. ( i made an infographic on it to see it easier: what type 1 does is take head energy to the gut/anger center. that’s why so many 1s are intellectuals, is because they rationalize their anger. this is actually the reverse process of type 5. “Type 5 uses the body centre to contain their head energy. They take the information that the body picks up and direct it inwards towards the head to process and understand it. Type 1, in direct opposition to that, uses the social constructs and principles created by the head to rationalise the body centre of action. Regardless of the environment they’re in, their actions remain consistent to the morals which they’re built upon. So, whilst both types demonstrate Competency in reaction, Type 5 works by understanding the world whereas Type 1 works to make the world understand.” ( i voted so/sp because while the brain is a vital organ and would warrant some amount of self-preservation, the brain at least in humans is designed for the transmission of information in language. we passed down knowledge from generation to generation; something “intellectual” and cultural. i feel that at times this triumphs over self-preservation needs, where we feel that we are more than our mortal bodies at times and that our self-preservation can be subjected to social pressures. the social instinct is also generally the most “heady”, airy, idealistic, and the awareness of groups and societies greater than me that one is apart of. this is the epitome of so/sp 5 i think even within itself, the neurons create so many connections. this sort of connection is at the core of the social instinct. the brain is neurotic…literally. hence limbic on global 5. the brain is The organ to think of disaster scenarios when there are none (also ties to w6). unorganized because honestly the brain is kind of an abstract mess with certain ganglia bundles being in completely different parts of the brain. the brain thinks about concepts by having spatially distant areas of neurons fire at around same frequency (so they are temporally aligned). but it’s a mess in there. ever see the cortical homonculus that maps the approximate proportion of the human brain that processes motor and sensory functions? damn dude [1/2]


Moved from "Food" Category. They say the zombies have been sad ever since. A brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. It is located in the head, usually close to the sensory organs for senses such as vision. It is the most complex organ in a vertebrate's body. In a human, the cerebral cortex contains approximately 14–16 billion neurons, and the estimated number of neurons in the cerebellum is 55–70 billion. Each neuron is connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. These neurons typically communicate with one another by means of long fibers called axons, which carry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distant parts of the brain or body targeting specific recipient cells.
