Sharky mbti kişilik türü


"Sharky hangi kişilik türü? Sharky, MBTI, 6w5 - - 692 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SLOAN, SLOAN, büyük 5, EII' dır."

He literally took the mbti test and got ENFP and people are fr voting him as ISFJ? Help how? 😭 And I‘m not trying to say that the test was right, but he said himself that he really relates to points of the ENFP personality type more than to the ENTP ones he got before. Currently struggling myself if hes more of an Se dom than an Ne dom but I think based on his answers he prefers philosophically and unrealistic facts more than realistic and hypothetical facts. But if I would only type him based on his other videos I would’ve type him as an ESFP. Btw Ofc we don’t know him irl so we can’t really tell his real type but please watch the mbti video, his generell videos with the beta squad and him and make ur own assumptions about it then before u type some joking bshit like Isfj bro.


YouTuber who has gained popularity through his comedy videos. He's also a member of the Beta Squad.
