(Deleated2) mbti kişilik türü


"(Deleated2) hangi kişilik türü? (Deleated2), MBTI, 8w7 - so/sp - 278 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, SLUAI, SLUAI, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

She is an ENFJ in my opinion. She do have a strong Se as her impulsiveness and random thing she do without a reason struck Se to me. Se is a strong perceiving function, it acquire information, in other word, view the things as it is. But I believe she is a Fe user, like the following example. "She is a fearless warrior who cares a lot about her friends, even being ready to sacrifice herself to save the ones he loves, but even with that she tends to be a complete failure in nearly everything she does, however she always stands up with a smile and stronger than before, not letting anything break her spirit, tho its tho its true that she strains herself to put emphasis on that happy-go-lucky attitude so that her friends won't worry about her. " The Fe is the function which "Extraverted Feeling types typically radiate goodwill and enthusiasm. They are optimistic about life in general, and human potential in particular. They prefer to focus on the positive, harmonious, and uplifting aspects of people and human relations, paying little attention to negative, pessimistic, limiting, and divisive messages, situations, and conclusions. Their primary goal is to create and maintain good feeling and harmony among people". The way she cares about her friends' feeling in the end and try to maintain the friendly environment all matches Fe's description. As for enneagram, she is a healthy social 8 which is always mistypes as a 2. The reason is, social 8 tend to be fierce in order to protect their community and viewed as strong.

