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  3. The Wilds

Dorothy Jane “Dot” Campbell mbti kişilik türü

Dorothy Jane “Dot” Campbell mbti kişilik türü image


"Dorothy Jane “Dot” Campbell hangi kişilik türü? Dorothy Jane “Dot” Campbell, MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 862 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCOAN, RCOAN, büyük 5, SLE' dır."

its fairly obvious that she's an ISTP core 8, but I feel like she's an 8w9. I've heard the analogy that 8w7s are like tigers or wolverines, while 8w9s are like bears; 8w7s use their assertiveness and authority to pursue their desires. They like to exercise their will to carve out a space for themselves, and are more aggressive in their pursuit of freedom, power, or recreation. 8w9s on the other hand, use their authority to maintain peace within an environment. Dot is grounded, stable, and unswervingly practical. she phrases her own mentality as "one foot in front of the other" and implements her leadership skills to protect the group and maintain harmony among them. she doesn't come off as particularly high-energy or hot-tempered, and seems to strive for peace and security moreso than dominance and influence. Even though it wasnt necessarily her choice to act as the primary caretaker for her father, she assumed the position with maturity and patience, and doesnt have much in the way of personal ambitions.


Dorothy “Dot” Campbell is one of the main characters in The Wilds. She is portrayed by #ShannonBerry. She originally attended Fort Travis High School in Texas where she sold drugs to provide for her sick father. Dot is the first the girls look to when they need help, as she’s accumulated some outdoor survival skills from movies and tv shows. She has always held the responsibilities, both at her old home and on the island.

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