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  3. Taoism

Xi Wangmu (西王母), Queen Mother of the West mbti kişilik türü

Xi Wangmu (西王母), Queen Mother of the West mbti kişilik türü image


"Xi Wangmu (西王母), Queen Mother of the West hangi kişilik türü? Xi Wangmu (西王母), Queen Mother of the West, MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 945 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, IEI' dır."


Xiwangmu is an ancient Taoist deity and Chinese folklore figure. "Queen mother of the west" She is the powerful Queen Mother married to the Jade Emperor. She presides over life, death and destruction and is known for tending to the peaches of immortality in the heavenly gardens. Being once a demon, she repented and became a Taoist master. She represents the embodiment of the yin energy in the yin-yang.

Xi Wangmu (西王母), Queen Mother of the West 'a benzer kişiler Din
