Mali Dai mbti kişilik türü


"Mali Dai hangi kişilik türü? Mali Dai, MBTI, 7w8 - - 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SLUAI, SLUAI, büyük 5, ' dır."


[ Icon by KurumiErika on deviantart. Character owned and designed by PetalsSilversteam on scratch, and deviantart. ] Mali was raised as a well-loved homeschooler and was taught to always look for unique things to admire when meeting new people. Ergo, she is easily impressed and quick to compliment. Now, since she is a traveling magical girl, with no actual territory of her own, she sometimes needs money to buy food. She is very happy to throw her hat to the ground, pop up a magic trick stand and do some street entertainment for a quick bite to eat. She loves entertaining people, especially kids, and one day hopes to be a great magician. Although she is very friendly, Mali was always too focused on finding something that she never really made a true magical girl friend. But that quickly changes when she arrives in Rosverine City.

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