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Ragnvaldr, The Outlander mbti kişilik türü

Ragnvaldr, The Outlander mbti kişilik türü image


"Ragnvaldr, The Outlander hangi kişilik türü? Ragnvaldr, The Outlander, MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ESI' dır."


The Outlander, called Ragnvaldr in-game, hails from the Kingdom of Oldegård. He learned how to fight at a young age, and went on the expedition with his people to Vinland where the Cube of the Depths was found. Many of his people were killed when the Army of the Midnight Sun invaded Oldegård to take the Cube of the depths, and he has come to the Dungeon to take it back and exact revenge on the army's captain, Le'garde, for all the pain his people suffered during the invasion.
