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  3. New Amsterdam

Helen Sharpe mbti kişilik türü


"Helen Sharpe hangi kişilik türü? Helen Sharpe, MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 152 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, ' dır."

[1] I can't see Helen leading with Te, and her Fe-Ti is very strong. I believe it is an INFJ as I don't see much of the Si-Ne axis in it. I will explain my view on this thread. ➥Helen doesn't seem as stable to work or routine as a dominant Si would. Prior to Max Goodwin's leadership of New Amsterdam, she spent little time in the hospital; instead, she traveled promoting the hospital on television and in the news. She returns to the hospital when Max makes changes to the system and says she sees potential in her career as a doctor, which she had abandoned to prioritize her efforts in promoting and attracting foreign investment on TV. Helen doesn't mind risking losing her job by breaking the rules to protect her patients and when she gets fired for doing so, Helen doesn't get "desperate" or "reluctant", instead she tells Max not to worry, that she he saw no reason to stay working at NA. She is very unstable in her work during the series, getting fired, going back to work again, being demoted, and then quitting her job. ➥However, in one episode Helen says that she is a person who prefers not to take risks in her relationships, after her husband's death, which is also related to the way she closes herself to the outside world, avoiding any kind of relationship and " fun". Also, at the beginning of the series, we see that she hopes to be a mother and is very focused on that goal. She even agrees to freeze her eggs so she can get pregnant in the future, which can also be done by a Si dom, but focuses on a subsequent dialogue where she says, “I want to have a baby. But I'm single and on the wrong side of 35.”, demonstrating dissatisfaction for “getting old” and time passing too quickly and not fulfilling the plans she had made with her husband. Helen: "I want to have a baby. But I'm single and on the wrong side of 35. I'd have to do injections and deal with epic mood swings if I even wanna give myself a chance. I don't know why I'd wanna bring a child... a brown child... into this world. There are a thousand reasons not to. But the only way to beat death... is life." — Helen: Thank you for the lawyer. — Shin: Did she help? — Helen: It was too late. My brother died. Half-brother. We weren't close, I mean I wanted to be, but I thought we had time. According to Islam, he had to be buried before the next Sun, but I ran out of time. I just keep running out of time. "I still miss him. His name was Muhammad. Internal medicine. One of the good ones. We were completely out of our minds for each other. You know what that's like? He asked me to marry him. We were gonna have kids. The whole thing. All our plans, just... And now here I am, freezing eggs and asking strangers for help." ➥ I believe something that supports the lower Se is how she acted after she started dating new people. For example, with Akasha and then with Cassian. When she starts dating Akash, she starts to feel "free" again, like walking carefree around town and kissing him in public. She also doesn't miss the opportunity to say that she was losing that feeling and that now it can be "spontaneous" again.


Dr. Helen Sharpe is a main character on New Amsterdam. She is the head of Oncology, and former Deputy Medical Director at New Amsterdam Medical Center. Prior to Max Goodwin's leadership of New Amsterdam Medical Center, Sharpe did not participate in many surgeries, nor was she actively participating in the medical field. Rather, she worked on publicizing and attracting inward investment to New Amsterdam by appearing on news broadcasts or other televised events. When Max took over, he realized that whilst Sharpe was an investment-asset, she was also a brilliant doctor. He urged her to return back to work, and shortly after she did so.
