Capital Bra mbti kişilik türü


"Capital Bra hangi kişilik türü? Capital Bra, MBTI, 3w4 - sx/so - 387 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RCUAI, RCUAI, büyük 5, SLE' dır."

Der öffentliche Capital Bra ist ISTP, der private Capital ist ISFP und Joker Bra dürfte ESFP sein. So sieht es aus, wenn man nach stereotypen Klischees geht. Was ich schwierig finde, ist die Bestimmung des Temperaments. Seine poppigen Trapsongs vermitteln einen sanguinen Vibe. Seine harten Straßenraps sind cholerisch und in Interviews wirkt Capital Bra meist bedacht und gelassen, also melancholisch-phlegmatisch.


Vladislav Balovatsky (born 23 November 1994), known professionally as Capital Bra, colloquially referred to as Capital or Capi, also performing as Joker Bra, is a German rapper of Ukrainian and Russian descent. Born in a small town in Siberia, Russia and raised in Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine, him and his mother moved to Berlin, Germany in the early 2000s. He started rapping at age eleven and participated at Rap am Mittwoch in 2014, a German battle rap tournament. Intent on pursuing a solo career as a rapper, Capital Bra released his first studio album Kuku Bra in January 2016 to minor commercial success in Germany. The follow-ups Makarov Complex and Blyat were released in February and September 2017 and peaked in the Top 5 of German-speaking Europe.

Capital Bra 'a benzer kişiler Müzik
