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Labrador Retriever mbti kişilik türü

Labrador Retriever mbti kişilik türü image


"Labrador Retriever hangi kişilik türü? Labrador Retriever, MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 792 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, SCUAN, SCUAN, büyük 5, ESE' dır."

Gus is a pure enneagram 9. He hates it when people argue or even raise their voices and will often retreat for several minutes afterward. He also uses extroverted feeling (Fe) to read the room and adores gathering every piece of attention possible. His introverted sensing (Si) is prominent when going through the same memorized routine with no variation or else he will struggle. Finally his tertiary extroverted intuition (Ne) is useful for playing with other people or dogs while he rarely uses his internal logic to process if an order or action makes sense (Ti).


This warm, intelligent dog breed is known for its loving, people-oriented nature and keen intelligence. Friendly and devoted, labs love to serve their family, and many lab owners refer to their dogs as “angels with fur”. They make excellent therapy dogs; visiting homes for the elderly and hospitals to brighten the day of patients. They are smart, so they are often used as assistance dogs for the handicapped or as search and rescue dogs. The labrador retriever has an undying devotion to their family, and wants to do what they can to cheer everyone up.
