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Shih Tzu mbti kişilik türü


"Shih Tzu hangi kişilik türü? Shih Tzu, MBTI, 2w3 - - 973 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, SCUAN, SCUAN, büyük 5, ESE' dır."

I owned a shih tzu for almost 10 years, so I’ll be typing the one I had. He was wild, unable to be taught stranger danger because he loved people so much, hated other dogs being in the house (but played with other dogs at the park) and responded to the things that scared him with aggression. He stayed like a puppy though due to him being taken away from his mother too early, so maybe it wouldn’t be safe to assume he was Se dom. I’ll say that if he was a human, he’d be Fe dom with childish tertiary Ne.


The Shih Tzu is a small but sturdy dog with a lush, long, double-hair coat. This breed's alert, confident, playful, and courageous demeanor makes it a favorite amongst toy dog enthusiasts. The Shih Tzu is an ancient breed and has a long history as a lap dog to nobles. When properly trained and cared for, Shih Tzus can make wonderful companions. Its petite size makes this breed ideal for apartments and small living spaces. Just be prepared for some snorting and snoring; The Shih Tzu is considered a brachycephalic breed because of its head shape and short, "smooshed" face. Overall, most owners of the breed will tell you that the Shih Tzu is truly a lovable dog breed. Beloved for their charming and lovable temperament, Shih Tzus adore attention and will need lots of it, loving nothing more than hanging out with (and sitting on) their humans. They warm up to strangers quickly and will do well in homes and families large and small.
