Eunice Noon mbti kişilik türü


"Eunice Noon hangi kişilik türü? Eunice Noon, MBTI, 9w1 - - 926 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SCOAI, SCOAI, büyük 5, EII' dır."

"She's driven to dig deeper as most Ni users are" Ooooooorrrrr Maybe Eunice is passionate about her line of work and it gives her an opportunity to stick up for her beliefs (Fi, which is by the way is described as the most /empathetic/ function. Not to be confused with Fe which is sympathetic.) and takes action to obtain the results (Te). Who is to say Ne can't become invested and concentrated in one goal? The reason she cared so much about this case was because of the several possibilities that emerged as she obtained more information on Koch's murder. A Ni user would have /narrowed down/ the possibilities as they gathered information. Her argument with Teri was a solid contrast between a Si dom's approach and a Ne dom's approach. She also wasn't being manipulative. Police officers and detectives are required give away their contact information and encourage witnesses to contact them if they discover anything new. If Flora didn't have anything to feel guilty about, Eunice would have still told her the same thing. If you want to see what an INFJ 1w2 would be like as a detective, watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Olivia Benson is a great protagonist. (Could I have replied to that thread directly? Yes. Am I in the mood to pick a fight with one of the people in my screen at 7:38pm and try to explain as if I were talking to a 5 year old how "wanting to dig deeper" is literally something any of the perceptive functions could encompass? No.)


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