Tarantulas mbti kişilik türü


"Tarantulas hangi kişilik türü? Tarantulas, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

Now there’s nothing to stop INTJ 5w6 sp/so 583! MBTI - Ni-Te-Fi-Se —> Ni-Se: I feel that Tarantulas made use of his “Ni to manipulate” a “situation in such a way” that others could not “affect the outcome”, having always tried to “ensure that the desired result” was always met. — In “Double Jeopardy” (S1-E8), I feel that the creation of Blackarachnia had later proved to be all apart of Tarantulas’s scheme all along, having created a fellow arachnid Predacon to make use of as a pawn to forward his own agendas— Megatron was able to use his own Ni to pick up on the possibility of ulterior motives. —> Ni-Te: I feel that Tarantulas sought to “structure the world around [him]”, having looked to “execute plans in the most efficient way possible”. In “Tangled Web” (S2-E4), I feel that Tarantulas sought to take advantage of the resources he was presented with in the form of what Megatron intended to be a refueling station, having hoped to utilize it as a resourceful lair for him to carry out his agendas from. —> Ni-Fi: I feel that Tarantulas most likely asserted his Fi individuality “as an excuse for Te driven action”, having “stubbornly [refused] to deviate from a position or mindset”. — In “Other Victories” (S3-E11)— the episode was just one and ultimately the last example of Tarantulas’s hatred and potential hubris over the Vok, perhaps their monopoly over time travel experiments went against his internalized preferences. ENNEAGRAM - 5w6 sp/so 583 —> Type 5: I feel that Tarantulas most likely possessed “an impressive ability to understand things around [him], but to others, [his] ideas” seemed “‘upside down’ or off point”. — In “Spider’s Game” (S1-E18), it was revealed towards the end that Tarantulas was harboring secret knowledge about Earth’s supposed, eventual doom, which he opted to keep to himself and handle it from his own knowledge space. —> Wing 6: I feel that Tarantulas was more inclined towards “discovery and investigation”, having been more “systematizing and methodical”. — I’m “The Agenda: Part 2” (S2-E12), it was revealed that Tarantulas was a part of the Predacon Secret Police, loyal to the Tripredacus Council all along, perhaps revealing that his knowledge and research was within a system. —> sp/so: I honestly feel that Tarantulas was instinctually focused on the “practicality and resources” facet of the Self-Preservation Instinct, his “survival” being based on having “necessary resources”. — In “Crossing the Rubicon” (S3-E9), Tarantulas revealed to Megatron that he had implanted safeguards within Blackarachnia in the event of her shell program being removed from her core consciousness, which might have demonstrated his resourceful preparedness. SOURCES, TERRORIZE! —> Tarantulas: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Tarantulas_(BW) —> MBTI: https://practicaltyping.com/INTJ/ —> Enneagram: https://www.enneagrammer.com/type-5 —> Instincts: https://www.docdroid.net/QTXfwgk/hudson-subtypes-pdf LINGERING THOUGHTS —> I think it’s kind of interesting to compare Tarantulas’s Dom Ni - Inf Se to Megatron’s Aux Ni - Se; the latter could fairly easily adapt his agendas to changes in circumstances and adjusted accordingly, whereas Tarantulas tended to have hilarious outbursts when things didn’t go according to plan, everything hinging on his Ni-Te calculations. —> I understand that Tarantulas might have presented the manic, unhinged energy that could have been indicative of the Sexual Instinct, but I feel his need for a lair and resources to utilize and his devotion to the Tripredacus Council was indicative of more present Self-Preservation and Social instincts— his pursuit of knowledge all seemed to fit a particular role and method rather than being an energetic exploration. —> He is feasting! Thanks.


