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Natsuno Yuuki/Koide mbti kişilik türü

Natsuno Yuuki/Koide mbti kişilik türü image


"Natsuno Yuuki/Koide hangi kişilik türü? Natsuno Yuuki/Koide, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 514 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

I'm between LVEF or LFEV (sorry I haven't watched Shiki for a long time) for him but an addendum, Natsuno is not 4E, his whole character is literally a portrait of 3E, throughout the anime even with people he values ​​a lot and loves he never shows openness or receptivity that a 4E person would demonstrate what he demonstrates is the "dryness" of 3E take Afanasyev's quote for this position "Outsiders usually generally deny him the ability to love, as contemporaries partly did in relation to Chekhov, arguing that there was no great love in Chekhov's life. But, according to Kuprin's more accurate observation, the problem for Chekhov was not in the content of feelings, but in the form of expression. Kuprin wrote: “The fear of pathos, strong feelings and several theatrical effects inseparable from him lived in him. With only one I can compare his position: someone loves a woman with all the ardor, tenderness and depth that a man of subtle feelings, a huge mind and talent. But he will never dare to speak about it in pompous, pompous words and cannot even imagine. How he will kneel and press one hand to his heart and how he will speak in the trembling voice of the first lover. And therefore he loves and is silent, and suffers silently" ["“Impenetrability”"] is the word that most accurately conveys the claims to the 3rd Emotion from people who are close to it. With a hat acquaintance, this feature is rarely paid attention to, “crackers” or "Dry" in this situation are extremely convenient, reliable, interesting people, in whose society there is no serious discomfort. Otherwise, things develop with a serious rapprochement, not to mention living together. The impenetrability of the 3rd Emotion reveals itself as a painful and even frightening trait. Imagine coexisting with a person without a clear idea of ​​​​how he treats you. You can marry a “cracker”, have sex, raise children, build a house, and at the same time never know how he treats you. A blank wall of emotional inexpressiveness rises in front of everyone for whom it is important to find out their attitude towards themselves. At best, such an experimenter feels indifference to himself, at worst - a hidden dislike, which, in fact, most likely does not exist. Not to say - affection, even obviously expressed irritation, malice can be more attractive than that grave rest, with which the 3rd Emotion protects its vulnerable soul. Only when you are close to the “rusk” do you understand how important an instrument in behavior and relationships is emotion and how it can be lacking for the most elementary hostel, how painfully the chronic impenetrability of the “rusk” is experienced." "The impossibility of a wide, open smile, free, loud laughter is perhaps the biggest misfortune of the 3rd Emotion. One girl wrote to a psychiatrist: "I'm struggling to create something like a smile, a grimace furiously rounds my eyes ... From the outside it looks like a convulsive stretching of the corners of my mouth ... Teach me to smile!" Indeed, a stone smile, laughter, either silent, like in Chekhov and Molotov, or taking the form of a giggle, like in Zoshchenko and Robespierre - that's all that the 3rd Emotion usually manages to squeeze out of itself." from the "Syntax of Love" You can easily spot these behavior patterns in Natsuno, he always translates as someone "untouchable" in the manga, anime and Light Novel/Romance, even the only overtly emotional moments I remember are his worries for Tooru to the point of risking his own life for friendship with him, his kindness to Kaori and Akira helping them even after becoming a vampire I think the only time he smiled was when Kaori defended herself and fought effectively to stay alive and finally her gesture towards her father, in general Natsuno translates as someone who does not want to break down emotionally and does not want to show the emotions, I observe his conflict with Megumi Shimuzu mainly due to the disagreement between her 1E vs Natsuno's 3E


One of the main protagonists, a 15-year-old boy who was forced to move to Sotoba, and needless to say, he ain't happy about it. He's one of the first ones to become aware of the Shiki.
