Jin Guangyao mbti kişilik türü


"Jin Guangyao hangi kişilik türü? Jin Guangyao, MBTI, 3w2 - - 368 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEN, SLOEN, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

TBH my understanding of MBTI is shallow, I went with what I've seen and heard about the INFJ as well as the people I know in my life (1) with this type. I'm relatively confident he's an NFJ pretty sure he's introverted but ENFJ would make sense. He seems to make connections between places and events is very good at scheming and planing and is clearly hardworking. When it came to F vs T he seems to operate at his core based off his own values and his vision for the world. While he isn't terribly emotional as he keeps them under wraps I doubted my choice for F but Feeling doesn't mean you are overly or overtly emotional. Idk. I don't go based off functions which would be ideal however I'm too lazy to actually go through them and check. As for I , he seems more reserved and INFJ's are usually not your stereotypical Introvert. He could be ENFJ, although he knows a lot of people this could be more because of his position. Hes reserved and seems to not receive energy from social interaction as much as they are a means to an end. If someone knows more, please correct me. I am certainly not qualified for this. And am too lazy to actually reassure myself.


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