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  3. Arthurian Legend

Morgan le Fay mbti kişilik türü


"Morgan le Fay hangi kişilik türü? Morgan le Fay, MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ' dır."


Morgan le Fay (/ˈmɔːrɡən lə ˈfeɪ/, meaning "Morgan the Fairy"), alternatively known as Morgan[n]a, Morgain[a/e], Morg[a]ne, Morgant[e], Morge[i]n, and Morgue[in] among other names and spellings, is a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend. Early appearances of Morgan do not elaborate her character beyond her role as a goddess, a fay, a witch, or a sorceress, generally benevolent and related to King Arthur as his magical saviour and protector. Her prominence increased over time, as did her moral ambivalence, and in some texts there is an evolutionary transformation of her to an antagonist, particularly as portrayed in cyclical prose such as the Lancelot-Grail and the Post-Vu.

Morgan le Fay 'a benzer kişiler Din
