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Alice Quinn mbti kişilik türü


"Alice Quinn hangi kişilik türü? Alice Quinn, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

At the time I'm posting this, there's a consensus on Alice as an INTJ but a split vote on E 513 vs. 514, so I will weigh in on what's controversial. Alice doesn't show anything to indicate that she's interested in anything even adjacent to the 3's striving for prestige, for example, contributing to the body of knowledge in her field. She generally seeks knowledge for her own curiosity's sake. She isn't interested in publication, rising above, or accomplishing something on a larger scale (e.g. curing a disease). Her efforts towards any "cure" typically stem around herself or Charlie, these singular cases which typify the 4 being drawn to the unique. She also doesn't seem interested in impression management. There aren't any major examples of when she makes a decision merely because of how it will look (for contrast see Margo, who is not a 3, but has 3 in her tritype, and we see her struggling to maintain appearances and inspire others' confidence). In the secrets part of the Trials, Alice reveals that she holds back because she does not fit in, and people would dislike her even more if they knew her full capability. Any type can worry about not fitting in, but it's the reason for not fitting in, that counts. Alice's reason is a classic example of 4's gravitating towards a sort of "uniquely broken" view of what makes her unpopular. In contrast, 3s would be willing to show more talent, because the 3s that feels like a misfit, would believe that becoming the best at something, is the natural path to likability and popularity.

