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Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ) mbti kişilik türü

Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ) mbti kişilik türü image


"Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ) hangi kişilik türü? Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ), MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 974 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RCUAI, RCUAI, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

I might be wrong, but I see Eunha as an introvert. She might be bubbly, cute, and charming. But she didn't show that side as much as the other extrovert members. Beside, she is not so active. Rather than spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, she mostly spent a lot of her time to play online games. She is not an intuitive type, which leave the option to the S (sensing) types. She tends to seen as a realist one. Compare to Umji whose love to imagine and plan lots of things for the future, Eunha strikes to the "simple girl" type who live the life ATM (yet her one word in Walpurgis Night photoshoot is also SIMPLE😂). I see Eunha as a Preciever (P) rather than a Judger (J). She didn't stick to a structured schedule. She is more into a person who say "I'll do it when I'm ready, I'm not limiting my time for the exact moment. I'll show my best at the time that I'll decide"🤭. Instead of Thinker (T), Feeler (F) suits Eunha more. She mostly decide something based on her own opinion. When it come to holiday for the group, she said that she prefer to follow her own desire to play game instead to accompany her member to go out for shopping. If you notice, Eunha is one of Gfriend members who mostly cried when they win in music shows or having an emotional moment. I believe, this show her sensitive side as the introverted feelers for dominant function. Therefore, I see Eunha as an ISFP


Jung Eun-bi (정은비), better known by her stage name Eunha (은하), is a South Korean singer and actress. She was the lead vocalist of the girl group GFriend, and is now a member of girl group VIVIZ with ex-Gfriend members SinB and Umji.

Eunha (GFRIEND/VIVIZ) 'a benzer kişiler KPOP
