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  3. Total Drama (2007)

Cameron Corduroy Wilkins mbti kişilik türü

Cameron Corduroy Wilkins mbti kişilik türü image


"Cameron Corduroy Wilkins hangi kişilik türü? Cameron Corduroy Wilkins, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 692 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RLOAI, RLOAI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

He spends most of the time analyzing the environment in order to arrive at conclusions about how the things in the world work, for instance that is why he found out by himself that Mike wasn't actually acting and he had multiple personalities. His Ne is very high which helps him brainstorm possibilities to work on the challenges and find ways to compensate his very poor physical skills, I don't think his Ne is inferior. His Si is also very evident it may seem dominant too, but I think this is consequence of having been inside of a bubble his whole life, which was the will of his mom, not his. On All Stars though... he does seem more of an ISFJ but that season portrayed everyone terribly so we don't talk about that XD


Cameron is an exceptionally smart boy, but is also one of the physically weakest competitors, due to his overprotective mother keeping him in a bubble all his life. Cameron shares many similarities with Cody, as both are shown to be exceptionally smart at times, but have a generally weaker physical stature. Camp Wawanakwa is Cameron's first experience in the "real world", and he immediately becomes fascinated with bizarre things such as Mike's alternate personalities and Dakota's mutation. As a very good-natured contestant, Cameron is more than happy to help Mike control his disorder and keeps his promise well into the next season. He has a tendency to unintentionally expose secrets entrusted to him. Despite his delicate physique, he has made it past the merge both seasons he has competed in. #INTPNerds

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