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Lee Siyeon (DREAMCATCHER) mbti kişilik türü

Lee Siyeon (DREAMCATCHER) mbti kişilik türü image


"Lee Siyeon (DREAMCATCHER) hangi kişilik türü? Lee Siyeon (DREAMCATCHER), MBTI, 3w4 - sx/sp - 378 'de ENTP kişilik türüdür, SCOEI, SCOEI, büyük 5, ILE' dır."

I don’t think Siyeon is an so/sx, but I’d love to have an discussion on it! 1. In 2018 DC did an Japanese interview where they talked about Siyeon never leaving the dorm, even during free time, and preferring to sleep and play games while the other members went out. They’ve now coaxed her in the past couple of years to go out more, but I don’t see her needing interactions and building relationships at the same frequency with others like Dami or Gahyeon, for example. 2. The second part of the so description is chameleon like behavior: doing things to blend in and interact with other people. Again, doesn’t seem like Siyeon to me. She stands out deliberately among most idols, saying in an interview that she liked being “big” in terms of her clothes, makeup and hair, and making a noticeable impression. 3. Finally, so’s are aware of how other people view them. Maybe? But she’s an idol so that’s her job lmaooo I agree with the sx part, that’s obvious enough. But she’s kinda an island of a person, drawing people to her rather than running to people or being concerned about how they perceive her. being kinda intense and charismatic ≠ so/sx source: https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/tritypes-and-instinctual-variants-sp-sx-so-explained.39871/


Siyeon (시연) is a South Korean singer under Happyface Entertainment. She is the main vocalist of the girl group Dreamcatcher.

Lee Siyeon (DREAMCATCHER) 'a benzer kişiler KPOP
