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Steven Williams (Boogie2988) mbti kişilik türü

Steven Williams (Boogie2988) mbti kişilik türü image


"Steven Williams (Boogie2988) hangi kişilik türü? Steven Williams (Boogie2988), MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 'de ISFJ kişilik türüdür, RLUEN, RLUEN, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

I feel like people are voting INFP just because of some of his mental problems. IMO, ISFJ makes the most amount of sense because, His Si is obvious, just take a look at his youtube channel, he's had the same types of videos for years, never leaving his comfort zone. Also a lot of his channel is telling stories about his personal life. His Fe also seems pretty obvious to me. He's always afraid of offending someone, and never takes a stand for his personal opinions. I'm also gonna throw in some anecdotal evidence in here. He reminds me so much of an ISFJ that i know.


Steven Jason Williams (born July 24, 1974), also known by his online alias Boogie2988 or just Boogie, is a YouTube personality best known for his video rants about video games and nerd culture as a character named "Francis".

Steven Williams (Boogie2988) 'a benzer kişiler İnternet
