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Fernando Torres mbti kişilik türü

Fernando Torres mbti kişilik türü image


"Fernando Torres hangi kişilik türü? Fernando Torres, MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 964 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, EII' dır."

For anyone wonder why he is an INFP? I'm gonna base my typing on his biography "Torres El nino: my story" In his biography it's clear that his downfall wasn't injury, but his lacks of confidence and lacks of emotional support in Chelsea. A 'cold' team with highly competitive nature between teammates compared to a much more warmth atsmosphere of liverpool with gerrard and atletico madrid where he is a local hero. Apart from his lifestyle told by others as quiet, polite, and a kind young man who tries to live a simple life. He said his weakness are as follows: -anxiety -being too afraid -being too trusting -and being so sensitive that when he face with a problem he tends to turn away from realities. All of which becomes a critical and lethal factors when he moved to chelsea ,where he got a cold shoulder treatments. With high expectation and pressure from his 50m price tags and no one there to support him with "it's ok ,keep trying" attitude. Gerrard used to say that "Although friendly, torres is so quiet that if no one approached and befriend him he would almost never speaks a word" Because he's quiet he did not get close to chelsea senior group (Drogba,Lampard,Terry) who didn't approach and make friends with him at the time. No spanish speakers in his team he got no friends in chelsea except for david luiz. With enormous amount of pressure plus no emotional support he began to lost his touch and sharpness more and more. And started to lose faith in himself, he lost his confidence. One can argue that his form is due to chelsea formation with 1 striker, which was Drogba place and they played with difference tactics, so he couldn't shine in chelsea. Maybe that's true ,but his loss of confidence in chelsea was so critical that he could never be the same again, not in milan, not in at madrid the second time, hell he couldn't even shine in j-league before his retirement. For me his story is a tragic one. A story of a beautiful blooming flower planted in a nurturing atmosphere, moved to it's fall in a harsh condition suited for a fking cactus then never recoverd.


Fernando José Torres Sanz (Spanish pronunciation: [feɾˈnando ˈtores]; born 20 March 1984) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a striker for J1 League club Sagan Tosu and the Spain national team. Torres started his career with Atlético Madrid, progressing through their youth system to the first-team squad. He made his first-team debut in 2001 and finished his time at the club with 75 goals in 174 La Liga appearances. Torres is a Spanish international and made his debut against Portugal in 2003. He has been capped over 100 times and is his country's third-highest goalscorer of all-time. With Spain, he has participated in six major tournaments: UEFA Euro 2004, the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Euro 2008, the 2010 World Cup, Euro 2012, and the 2014 World Cup.

Fernando Torres 'a benzer kişiler Spor Dalları
