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  3. Historical Figures (1000s)

William the Conqueror mbti kişilik türü


"William the Conqueror hangi kişilik türü? William the Conqueror, MBTI, 8w9 - sp/so - 863 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEI, SLOEI, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

why does the dude who literally created one of the world's most politically influential countries in history and whose policies indirectly led to the development of the English language have so few votes?


William I (c. 1028 – 9 September 1087), Called Guillaume in his own Norman French tongue, he was a bastard in both magnificent and literal terms: the illegitimate son of Robert I of Normandy and a tanner's daughter (at one siege, his foes hung tanned hides from the battlements to mock him – not very wisely in the long run, since he chopped off both hands and both feet of every member of the garrison once he captured the it). He married Matilda of Flanders, at least in part to secure his northeastern border and shore up his English credentials (she counted top Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great as an ancestor); she spurned the bastard duke at first, leading to William throwing her off her horse by her hair and pimp-slapping her. She agreed to marry him immediately afterwards, defying a papal ban to do so. Unlike many of his descendants, there is no record of William having mistresses or illegitimate children, and her death four years before his own seemed to have shaken him quite badly.
