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Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything) mbti kişilik türü

Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything) mbti kişilik türü image


"Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything) hangi kişilik türü? Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything), MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 731 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SCUEI, SCUEI, büyük 5, IEE' dır."

A lot of people are only choosing to focus on either Te/Ti or Ne when debating what kind of enXp he would be, and hardly mentioning Fi Vs Fe, note that within the show Adam displays high amounts of Fi, given how he openly portrays his view of the world and his emotions based upon values he gained very young thanks to his sister in the show. He’s open to Emily that he’s really taken a liking to her friend Hayley, he’s openly devastated when she’s dead in the show, whenever someone has a bummer attitude about x thing he tries using his sense of humor to redirect, and he doesn’t say all of these facts on the basis or sole purpose to argument others, rather to “clarify misinformation” (whether the show actually does this effectively however is an entirely different can of worms and not the point of this observation) In the episode with Adam’s sister, Rhea, Adam expresses how when they were kids and he felt distraught finding out Santa wasn’t real, his sister was the one who calmed him down by explain the factual side of it, and that is what sparked him to correct others of their misinformation too because he genuinely believes it could help others like it helped him. Not out of contrarian or for debating purposes, simply a core value he openly displays, lead by his Fi.


Adam Conover (born March 2, 1983) is an American comedian, writer, voice actor, and television host. He is the creator and host of the half-hour truTV show Adam Ruins Everything, which is based on the CollegeHumor series of the same name. He is also the host of the American version of The Crystal Maze on Nickelodeon.

Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything) 'a benzer kişiler Pop kültürü
