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  3. Hello Charlotte

Charlotte Wiltshire mbti kişilik türü

Charlotte Wiltshire mbti kişilik türü image


"Charlotte Wiltshire hangi kişilik türü? Charlotte Wiltshire, MBTI, 9w1 - sx/so - 926 'de ISFJ kişilik türüdür, RLUAI, RLUAI, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

Many people believe that Charlotte is an INFP, but I have never seen an instance of her being Fi dominant. This is not just a “omg i kin charlotte so she’s my type” argument, as I genuinely believe that she is an ISFJ. Charlotte seems Ne inferior, being overwhelmed by new experiences, but if she knows she has Seth with her (the player) she feels a lot safer. As an ISFJ myself, I tend to feel more comfortable during new experiences if I have someone with me or to guide me. In Hello Charlotte 2, she follows a pretty strict routine with school, which obviously routines aren’t indicative of Si dominance, but hers is so consistent it just makes sense. She wakes up, goes to school, goes home, then sleeps. I simply can’t see her as Ti inferior, because when she’s in a bad state she doesn’t really lash out at anyone with her suppressed Ti, she has the typical hopelessness of an Ne inferior where they bathe in guilt due to their past wrongs. I think Charlotte uses Ti to an extent, because she does have that typical Si dominant Ti “mind library” of information she enjoys learning (just based on her books, and her organization of information related to the people around her like Anri, Huxley and Aiden). Charlotte shows many instances of Fe in the whole series. She pushes aside her own morals to cater to other people and help them, which is shown with her constant guilt towards herself for doing “selfish” things. Anri treats Charlotte badly a lot of the time, but Charlotte still tries to be kind and buy her lunch and sees her as her friend. Charlotte never acts outwardly based on her thoughts and morals, and tends to go along with other people’s thoughts and morals. She’s also very willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good of others. SPOILERS AHEAD Charlotte in the ending of HC2 where she goes with the Umbrella Man to improve herself is the EPITOME of ISFJ to me. She reminisces on her life and feels like she was never able to be selfless, and never able to carry out helping others. The Ne inferior is what gave her these feelings of hopelessness and failure, while her aux Fe is what makes her care so much about helping others and putting them first.


Charlotte Wiltshire is the central protagonist of the Hello Charlotte series. Being the main protagonist of the first two games and the spin-off title "Hello Charlotte: Delirium", Charlotte is the character (the "Puppet") through which the player (the "Puppeteer") interacts with the world. She gives a definitive name and role to most of the people in her life. She also appears briefly in Episode 3 and the visual novel Hello Charlotte: Heaven's Gate.

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