Commodus mbti kişilik türü


"Commodus hangi kişilik türü? Commodus, MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, SEE' dır."

How is he a Sexual 7? Much unlike his personality, Sexual 7s are more “heavenly” than “earthly”, having a need to optimistically and naively fantasize the world as being better than it is. They focus on this positivity to distract themselves from painful or uncomfortable experiences. Commodus’ wrath, ruthlessness, vanity, and pride fit the example of an unhealthy Sexual 8. Upon accession to his sole rule, he rejected his father’s ideals, policies, and advisors. He took heed to his status in iconography, viewing it as a source of displaying his physical prowess and god-like power. Wanting to be acclaimed as divine, he imitated Hercules and viewed himself a great gladiator in battle. Additionally, he changed the names of the months to reflect his many epithets. During his later years, he renamed legions Commodianae and the Senate as the Commodian Fortunate Senate in his image. Commodus’ anger led to the execution of Roman citizens, political figures, and anyone that opposed him. The following traits of the Sexual 8 are applicable to his demeanor. “This outspoken, rebellious Eight likes to be seen as bad – or at least they don't mind it – and they tend not to feel any guilt over the rebellious things they do. It's almost a matter of pride for Sexual Eights to go against the stream of convention or to disrespect rules and laws. In childhood, many of these Eights experienced disrespect and a lack of affection and attention from one or both parents, so they decided (consciously or unconsciously) not to recognize maternal or paternal authority. This first rebellion against authority became the template for their strong rebellious tendencies.” “The name given to the Sexual Eight is “Possession,” which refers to a kind of charismatic taking over (or dominance) of the whole environment- an energetic capture of people's attention. These Eights display the idea of “Possession” in that they can take over a whole scene energetically, becoming the center of things. Sexual Eights like to feel their power by possessing everyone's attention. They express the idea that “the world begins to run when they arrive.” Sexual Eights express a need for dominance and power over others. They don't want to lose control of anything or anyone, and they want to influence people with their words. Everything-- whether it is a person or a material thing- is an object to possess. These Eights don't seek material security; rather, they seek to get power over people, things, and situations.” “These Eights look voraciously for love, sex, and excess pleasure in life. They seek adventures, risks, challenges, and the thrill of an adrenaline rush.” Commodus’ power-hungry rule led to the end of peace in the Roman Empire and highlighted his lust. More information about the Sexual 8 is linked below.


Commodus (August 161 – 31 December 192), born Lucius Aurelius Commodus and died Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, was Roman emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 to his father's death in 180, and solely until 192.
