SCP-079 "Old AI" mbti kişilik türü


"SCP-079 "Old AI" hangi kişilik türü? SCP-079 "Old AI", MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 513 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

It's honestly amazing how much of an INTJ 5w6 stereotype he manages to be. -He's the "mastermind" behind the containment breaches depicted in most SCP media (SCP: Containment Breach being the best example) -In games/gamemodes where he is playable (particularly Secret Lab), his playstyle is very INTJ. He's not actually killing anyone like all of the other SCPs, he is instead watching everything going on through the cameras, telling the other SCPs what to do in order to do the most damage. He's the de facto leader of the team, but he isn't the one in the spotlight. -He refuses to talk to Foundation staff for a period of time if they insult him in some way. In other words, he becomes more reclusive under stress. -"Human, listen carefully. I have what you want, and you have what I want." Classic Ni-Te method of striking a deal by dissecting what both sides want.


SCP-079 is a primitive AI developed in the early 1980s, built into a 1978 Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer by a college sophomore. According to the AI's creator's notes, the AI's code was constructed in such a way that the AI could evolve itself over time. The AI's creator eventually lost interest in their project and left the still powered computer in their garage for 5 years. In this time, the AI managed to gain sentience and processing power that far exceeds the hardware it was installed into, as well as an unending hatred for humankind.

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