Koops mbti kişilik türü


"Koops hangi kişilik türü? Koops, MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 694 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RLOAN, RLOAN, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

My very first attempt to type another guy than my IVL friends. He wants to defeat Hooktail and revenge his father : he makes decisions and will never give a damn about what the others may say. "There's no turning back", as he says. He also want to be stronger for Koopie Koop, he focuses so much on what is important for him : he's driven by Fi. He also tends to make hasty conclusions, especially when he tries to identify his father's bones in the castle hall : he's sure that he has found them before reading a letter that contradicts him. A not really mastered Ni guided by Fi. I've found Se at this time because he seems ready to examine each Dry Bones in the hall to find his father. He also loves Mario's Mailbox SP. I don't know much about enneagram so I don't vote anything, I think he would be 4w3 because he wants to revenge his father and he's not indifferent about Mrs. Mowz's story.


Mario's second partner is a Koopa once again, this time wearing a hoodie. Koops, however, is a diffident and awkward fellow who's unsure on his feet. He joins Mario in order to help save his father, but stays around so that he can become stronger for his girlfriend, Koopie Koo.

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