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John Jurasek (TheReportOfTheWeek / Reviewbrah) mbti kişilik türü

John Jurasek (TheReportOfTheWeek / Reviewbrah) mbti kişilik türü image


"John Jurasek (TheReportOfTheWeek / Reviewbrah) hangi kişilik türü? John Jurasek (TheReportOfTheWeek / Reviewbrah), MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 164 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

"My disappointment is measurable and my day is ruined." says a guy who is eating poppye, while reviewing and judge it. That is Te-Fi. I mean he has also a comparison of the taste of other food into another food, and he will review and explain it, that is Si dom. He is not tasting food for the sake of tasting it. He is judging food and comparing it to other food. He is very perfectionist and passionate about reviewing food. Also I see him criticizing new released fast food if it really taste bad and honest about it. That is aux Te. He will not sugarcoat about his own criticisms. Just because you are thinking type doesn't mean you need to be cold or *******. He is nice yet he is more objective at what interest him.


John Jurasek (born June 21, 1997), colloquially known as Reviewbrah, is an American YouTube personality, food critic, and radio host. He is the host of TheReportOfTheWeek YouTube channel, on which he is well-known for wearing suits of an older style, his dry sense of humor, and his manner of speaking, which has been likened to that of an "old-time radio newsman."

John Jurasek (TheReportOfTheWeek / Reviewbrah) 'a benzer kişiler İnternet
