Master Shifu mbti kişilik türü


"Master Shifu hangi kişilik türü? Master Shifu, MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 163 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOAN, RCOAN, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

- His Si Te solidified his Fi too much after his beloved apprentice became what he became. - He had oppositions against his master. He didn’t trust Ni visions, because Si needs sensory stimulus to form impressions and interpret something. He only started to see the potential in Po after visible evidence (how he jumped on top of the wardrobe). - Like @[shingaki] pointed out, inferior Ne presents itself in his relationship with Po. —> - He likes structure and methods he is used to, Po’s free spirited innovation doesn’t really see effective to him.


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