Ahmed Deedat mbti kişilik türü


"Ahmed Deedat hangi kişilik türü? Ahmed Deedat, MBTI, 8w9 - - 854 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RLOAI, RLOAI, büyük 5, ' dır."

Sorry but I don't see the fe dom His arguments are all ti based , focusing on logic, "People with a dominant Ne function tend to be very articulate speakers who can speak quickly, fluidly and with ease. When speaking, ideas come easily to them and they rapidly turn those into words, whole sentences and complete stories." Thats the ne function description which perfectly fits him , "Introverted Thinking is a processes that is orientated to the inner world of thoughts and understanding. Its role is to cut through the noise and see the core structure of a situation. Ti can see past emotions and probe the data, looking for logical inconsistencies—which may then need to be dealt with. Ti is incredibly adept at spotting biases in people, ideas, conversations, theories, and situations." Its really obvious when you watch him analyze the Bible, he uses logic and reasoning, and doesn't accept the Christians interpretation of the bible , honestly how hes sarcastic and doesn't try to be "accepted " radiates inferior Fe When hes lecturing he reminds me so much of my father, whos also an INTP and also a very good speaker.


Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (Gujarati: અહમદ હુસેન દીદત) (1 July 1918 – 8 August 2005) was a South African writer and public speaker of Indian descent. He was best known as a Muslim missionary, who held numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as video lectures on Islam, Christianity, and the Bible. Deedat established the IPCI, an international Islamic missionary organisation, and wrote several widely distributed booklets on Islam and Christianity.

Ahmed Deedat 'a benzer kişiler Din
