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The Eighth Doctor mbti kişilik türü


"The Eighth Doctor hangi kişilik türü? The Eighth Doctor, MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 721 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, SCUAI, SCUAI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

Thought someone might enjoy this. :) https://www.google.com/amp/s/mbtifiction.com/2015/01/15/eighth-doctor-INFJ/amp/


The bouncy, charming, optimistic romantic, slowly darkened by the Last Great Time War into a rugged warrior poet from loss and sorrow. A man who wanted the universe to be peaceful and beautiful, only to be met with disaster and doom that ruined his expectations. From the little we saw of him, the Eighth Doctor was a chatty, passionate figure who revelled in life and living and — uniquely among the Doctors — seemed to enjoy giving people hints about their futures. In contrast to the somewhat clownish yet manipulative Seventh Doctor, Eight was defined by his kind, optimistic and classy personality, and he took on many companions. Unfortunately, he was subjected to some of the meanest and nastiest circumstances, constantly captured and tortured, witness to many senseless deaths, and saddled with amnesia so many times that it is a wonder he didn't go insane.

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