Maria von Trapp mbti kişilik türü


"Maria von Trapp hangi kişilik türü? Maria von Trapp, MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SCUAI, SCUAI, büyük 5, IEE' dır."

"She is gentle, she is wild, she's a riddle, she's a child!" I identified so much with Maria when I was a little girl. According to my father I wore out our Sound of Music VHS tape because I watched it so often. This is probably lame as hell to admit lmao but now as an adult I cry my way through the whole movie. Obviously there is a lot about it that goes right over your head when you're viewing as a kid. Sappy as it may be (Christopher Plummer hated it for this reason which was a lowkey devastating revelation to me lmao), I am extremely moved by the story & still deeply identify with Maria.


Played by Julie Andrews.

Maria von Trapp 'e benzer karakterler Filmler
