Kanan Matsuura mbti kişilik türü


"Kanan Matsuura hangi kişilik türü? Kanan Matsuura, MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 962 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCUAN, RCUAN, büyük 5, SLI' dır."

it's interesting how we all have our own takes about kanan's personality, so here's mine! feel free to disagree. i see kanan explicitly uses Se a lot, and Fe as well, considering she did so much not only for mari but for aqours sake. and yes, i do think Se is her dominant function, since she's extremely sporty and hates inside activities. she is the type of person to work on logic, if you think about it. since for her it was more logical for mari to go study abroad, even if that hurt her. and kanan doesn't always show Fe, but it's pretty noticeable as well. i really don't understand where you guys saw her using Fi, so ill listen if you want to tell me, but even during the aqours 3rd single you can notice she uses Ti to make decisions because she usually ignores how she feels and instead acts on what would be more logical for her to do. this is simply my interpretation, but if kanan really was Fi dom, im sure she would have asked for mari to stay, she would have continued back in their first year even with mari's sprained ankle and she probably would have done a lot of other things differently as well. just because she was the last member to join aqours it doesn't mean it was because she didn't want to be an idol, therefore kanan is ESTP.


Kanan Matsuura is one of the nine main characters of Love Live! Sunshine!!. She is a third year in Uranohoshi Girls' High School. Her image color is emerald green. She is a member of AZALEA, a sub-unit under Aqours and was the original leader of the group itself two years prior to the series before being succeeded by Chika Takami.

Kanan Matsuura 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
