Peter Steele mbti kişilik türü


"Peter Steele hangi kişilik türü? Peter Steele, MBTI, 5w6 - sx/sp - 548 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ' dır." "It's odd to me because this is my job. I'm lucky to have a good time, I'm here to pay my phone bill. And you know, pay the rent." "If it doesn't upset people, it's not rock music. It has to upset the church, it has to upset your parents, it has to upset the school system. So I chose Rammstein from Germany because they upset the left wing people and right wing people and they set themselves apart." "I feel that the average personnel people work for a living. They don't live off the government's back, they don't live off anybody's back. They have pride, they stand on their own two feet. If a person chooses not to work that's fine but don't go in and collect benefits because you're too lazy to get up out of bed. I have to wake up for work at 4:30 am in the morning, get my *** out of bed into the freezing cold because I have pride and yet I pay taxes so some slob can sit in bed wathing cartoons." Edit to add: It's confusing because he simultaneously is very much into being a lawful, hard working citizen but at the same time he wants to be controversial.


Petrus Thomas Ratajczyk (January 4, 1962 – April 14, 2010), better known by his stage name Peter Steele, was the lead singer, bassist and composer for the gothic metal band Type O Negative. Before forming Type O Negative, he had created the metal group Fallout and the thrash band Carnivore. As the frontman for Type O Negative, Steele was known for his vampiric affect, towering stature, rich bass-baritone vocals and a dark, often self-deprecating sense of humor.

Peter Steele 'a benzer kişiler Müzik
