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Illidan Stormrage mbti kişilik türü

Illidan Stormrage mbti kişilik türü image


"Illidan Stormrage hangi kişilik türü? Illidan Stormrage, MBTI, - sx/sp - 485 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

"YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!!"..... Quote this all the time. 😆


Illidan Stormrage, commonly known as the Betrayer, is the first of the demon hunters, the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, the former ruler of the Black Temple, and the original leader of the Illidari. He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage.

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